Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the Dakota Corps Scholarship eligibility requirements?

Click here to learn about the eligibility requirements.

2. What are the critical need occupations?

The Department of Labor will designate shortage occupations from time to time.  The current critical need occupations are:

·            Teaching K-12 music, special education, and foreign language in a public, private, or parochial school

·            Teaching high school math or science in a public, private, or parochial school 

·            Working as a Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, or in other allied health care fields

·            Working as a Large Animal Veterinarian

3. What does “other allied health care” include?

Other allied health care fields include those health care professionals that support and complement the roles of physicians, nurses, and other health care specialists. 

The application form provides the applicant with the opportunity to list the specific allied health program which he or she plans to pursue.  When reviewing the applications, the Dakota Corps Scholarship Board will consult with the Department of Labor if there is any question as to whether or not one of the allied health care fields is a critical need area.  The DCS Board will then make a decision accordingly. 

Interested students are encouraged to apply for the scholarship even if they are not sure that the occupation they are planning to major in will be considered an “other allied health care” field.

4. Is pharmacy considered a critical need occupation?   

Yes, pharmacy is considered a critical need occupation.  However, the scholarship would only cover the first four years of the undergraduate portion of the program.

 5. What if I miss the application deadline?

Applications must be postmarked by February 1 to receive consideration.

6. If I do not meet all of the eligibility requirements, should I still apply?

The eligibility requirements outlined are the minimum requirements for the scholarship.

7. If I meet all the minimum eligibility requirements, will I automatically receive a Dakota Corps Scholarship?

No. The Dakota Corps Scholarship offers a limited number of awards each year to the pool of qualified applicants.