Rules Hearing October 29, 2004

The South Dakota Board of Accountancy held a Public Rules Hearing at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, October 29, 2004 in the Conference Room of Legislative Audit, 427 S. Chapelle, Pierre, South Dakota.

The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a public hearing on the proposed rules of the board numbered §§ 20:75:04:00 – 20:75:04:22 inclusive, adopted under the authority of SDCL 36-20B.

Members of the Board in Attendance: Mary S. Day, John D. Graham, Marty L. Guindon, John M. Mitchell, Dave G. Olson, and John E. Peterson.

Others in Attendance: Bobbi Barnhill, Board of Accountancy Executive Director. Laura Coome, Executive Director, South Dakota CPA Society, Joy Feige, Past President of South Dakota CPA Society, and Jay Tolsma, President of South Dakota CPA Society were present by conference call.

Written Testimony: None.

Oral Testimony:

Each revision to chapter 20:75:04 was reviewed. Definitions for college and university were added.

Members of the South Dakota CPA Society present at the meeting, agreed with all changes made by the board to chapter 20:75:04.

Changes to the proposed rules suggested by Legislative Research Council were reviewed and changed accordingly.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the proposed rule amendments be adopted with the revisions that were discussed at this hearing.

Respectfully submitted,


John M. Mitchell, CPA


Adjournment: 10:20 a.m.


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