South Dakota Board of Accountancy


Review the CPA Examination Tutorial and Sample Tests for CBT-e

Effective with the January/February 2011 testing window, the series of changes to the Uniform CPA Examination known as CBT-e (Computer Based Testing-evolution) will be implemented and will affect all sections of the examination. Changes include updates to examination content, structure, time allocations, scoring weights and functionality. Review the CBT-e Guide for an overview of all of the changes.

Candidates planning to take a section of the Uniform CPA Examination on or after January 1, 2011, must be familiar with all of the changes. To prepare for the changes to the examination’s functionality, format and directions, candidates are responsible for reviewing the CPA Examination Tutorial and Sample Tests. Failure to follow the directions provided in the Tutorial and Sample Tests, including the directions on how to respond, may adversely affect candidate scores.

The CPA Examination Tutorial for CBT-e includes an overview of:

The CPA Examination Sample Tests for CBT-e


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